How to Choose a Front Gate for Your Home

How to Choose a Front Gate for Your Home

The front gate is the first thing people see when they come to your home. The right one will make a good impression and keep them from coming in unannounced. But choosing the right gate can be tough! You’ve got to consider everything: what it will look like, how much it costs, and whether you want all metal or wood. And if you have kids or pets, there are some safety considerations too. This article will help you learn how to select the right front gate for your home, as well as how to measure it correctly.

What Is A Front Gate?

What Is A Front Gate

A front gate is a fence which provides an entrance to the home and is often located in front of the driveway or on the side where the street can be accessed. Metal, wood, and wrought iron are some of the most common types of materials that are used to create these gates.

How to measure for the right size?

How to measure for the right size

Width: This is most often measured in feet and inches, starting from one end to the other. But sometimes it is measured in meters and centimeters.

Height: Gate height is measured from the bottom of the gate to the top of the gate.

Thickness: The thickness of a metal gate may vary from 1/2 inch to 2 inches. PVC gates are typically 3/4 inch thick.

Opening type: You want a gate that can be opened on both sides for ease of use. An L-Type opens on right side, and a double open on both sides.

What Types Of Materials Are Used For Gates?

While you can find many different kinds of materials that may be used to make a main gate, the most common ones include:

Wrought Iron

100% rust resistant but it is also extremely heavy and prone to bend, dent or break. Because of its weight, you need a very strong base and wall supports to accommodate the pressure. Wrought iron does not turn over time; it is one color all through its lifespan. It is also difficult to weld because of its composition.


This material is light and rust resistant. It is more affordable than steel but it is not as strong. Aluminium has a tendency to bend so it needs extra reinforcement on the posts and sturdier fasteners, especially if you live in areas where there are hurricanes or very high winds.


This material’s main disadvantage is that it can rot. It is aesthetically appealing but it may get damaged from the sun’s UV rays over time.


This material is light and rust resistant, but it needs a lot of maintenance to keep it looking good throughout its lifespan.

Safety Considerations When Choosing a Front Gate

Safety Considerations When Choosing a Front Gate

When choosing a front gate for your home, safety considerations are very important! For families with children, consider installing gates that are at least four feet high to protect children from falling out of the gate. Also, metal gates should have one swing over hinge on the inside of the gate for added security. Finally, make sure that your house number is clearly visible on the outside of the gate so emergency personnel can find you quickly in case of an emergency.


The front gate is a key component of your home’s security and curb appeal. It may not be the most glamorous part of your property, but it does have a big impact on how visitors feel when they enter into your space.